Grievance-Redressal Cell


It is good to air a grievance rather than to keep it bottled up. Protection of human rights is essential for all round development of an individual’s personality. To realize the primary needs of the students and staff and secure civil liberties for everybody, a Grievance Redressal Cell already working in college since 2nd August, 2010. According to Guide lines of Government, a CSGRC has been constituted. The CSGRC is indented to find solutions for problems like Sexual harassment – any kind of physical or mental harassment, Complaints regarding class room teaching – Class room management, completion of syllabus, teaching methods etc, if and when they arise. The CSGRC convenes meetings periodically and takes steps to redress the grievance. The function of the cell is to look into the complaints lodged by any student of college and judge its merit. The Grievance Cell is also empowered to look into matters of harassment. Anyone with a genuine grievance may approach the department members in person, or in consultation with the officer in-charge Students' Grievance Cell. In case the person is unwilling to appear in self, grievances may be dropped in writing at the letterbox/ suggestion box. Grievances may also be sent through e-mail to the member/officer in-charge of Students' Grievance Cell.


Open Grievance Form to Fill

Establishment of CSGRC
The CSGRC established in 4th September, 2019 in college with the purpose to complaints of students relating to college.

  1. The CSGRC of the college is having three senior teaching staffs as its member, one teacher as special invitee, one representative from students as nominated by principal and the principal as the chairman.
  2. Term of members and special invitees will be two years.
  3. The quorum for meeting including the chairperson, but excluding special invitee, shall be three. Care is taken to select staff members from each stream.
  4. In considering the grievances before it, the CSGRC shall fallow principles of natural justice.
  5. The CSGRC shall send its report with recommendations, if any to the Vice-chancellor of Punjabi University, Patiala and a copy to the aggrieved student within a period of 15 days from the receipt of complaint.


A Complaint from an aggrieved student relating a college shall be addressed to CSGRC with the following composition, namely:

The following staff members are in the charge of this cell.

  1. S. Surmukh Singh, Principal – Chairperson
  2. Dr. Baljit Singh, Associate Professor – Member
  3. Ms.Sunita Rani, Assistant Professor – Member
  4. S. Pritpal Singh, Assistant Professor – Member
  5. S. Harpreet Singh, Assistant professor – Special Invitee
  6. Ms. Anu – B.Sc.(NM)-III – Special Invitee (Student Representative)


CSGRC has been created in the college to resolve issues related to student’s problems, develop a responsive and accountable attitude among the all stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in Institute. Following are the important objectives of CSGRC.

  1. To develop an organizational framework to resolve Grievances of Students and other stakeholders.
  2. To provide the students access to immediate, hassle free recourse to have their Grievances redressed.
  3. To enlighten the students on their duties and responsibilities to access benefits due under the policies.
  4. To establish structured interactions with students to elicit information on their expectations.
  5. To identify systemic flaws in the design and administration of various general insurance products and to seek solutions thereon.
  6. To institute a monitoring mechanism to oversee the functioning of the Grievance Redressal Policy.
  7. Encouraging the Students to express their grievances / problems freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized.
  8. Suggestion / complaint Box will be installed in the Administrative Block in which the Students, who want to remain anonymous, put in writing their grievances and their suggestions for improving the Academics / Administration in the College.
  9. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in and outside the institution. Any violation of ragging and disciplinary rules should be urgently brought to the notice of the Principal


The CSGRC deals with Grievances received in writing from students about any of the following matters:

Academic matters: Related to timely use of duplicate mark sheet (DMC), transfer certificate, conduct certificate and other examination related matters.

Financial matters: Related to dues and payments for various items from fee clerk, library, hostels, etc.

Library matters: Issue and return of books, syllabus, photocopy, university question papers.

Accommodation matters: Related to hostels.

Other matters: Related to certain misgivings about conditions of sanitations, preparation of food, availability of transport, victimization by teachers etc.

Functions :

  1. The cases will be attended promptly on receipt of written grievances from the students.
  2. The cell formally will review all cases and will prepare statistical reports about the number of cases received.
  3. The cell will give report to the authority about the cases attended to and the number of pending cases, if any, which require direction and guidance from the higher authorities.

Powers :

  • In case of any grievance the members of the cell are empowered to sort out the problems at their level through discussion with students.
  • In case the members fail to find out any solution then the matter is referred to the principal for final comment on the matter.
  • Considering the nature and depth of the grievances due inquiry is made by the members of the cell and through personal discussion the matter is solved.
  • If anybody is found to be guilty for any kind of nuisance, he or she is given punishment with due consideration with the principal. The nature of punishment includes verbal as well as written warning, information to the parents, financial punishment, information to the police (if situation arises for so) and expelling from the college as per the rule of the university.

Purpose :

The CSGRC of college functions with following purposes

  • To ensure a democratic environment in the campus,
  • To acquaint all teacher-trainees about their rights and duties,
  • To solve the various personal and educational related grievances of the teacher-trainee,
  • To make the institute student friendly, and
  • To ensure the qualitative as well as quantitative development of institution through CSGRC.

Procedure for lodging complaint :

  • The students may feel free to put up a grievance in writing and drop it in complaint box.
  • The Grievance Cell will act upon those cases which have been forwarded along with the necessary documents.
  • The Grievance Cell will assure that the grievance has been properly solved in a stipulated time limit provided by the cell.
  • Grievance Application Form (Click to Fill Form)
  • Action of CSGRC (Appendix II)

Appendix - II